Tell free in the U.S. 866-416-0747 / 770-447-0360

School Transcript Apostille

With Georgia Apostille getting an apostille on a school transcript is very easy! Follow these simple steps to receive you apostille fast and stress-free.

1. Download and complete the Georgia Apostille order form.                             
2. Mail a notarized original or a color copy of your school transcript and the order form to our office.                        
3. Receive your apostilled school transcript at your address. We can ship your documents anywhere in the world!

Ready to start? Please go to Our Services page for detailed instructions.

Georgia Apostille can process an apostille on any US school transcript or other academic records. If you plan to study or work in a foreign country and have attended school, college, or university in the United States, you will be asked to authenticate your US-issued academic documents to make them valid abroad. 

If you were asked to provide the apostilled school transcripts, your first step is to contact the Registrar’s office at your school and tell them that you need your school transcripts signed and notarized.  Typically, the Registrar’s office can reprint a copy of school transcripts and have it notarized by an in-house notary. If your school does not have a notary public on staff you will need to find a mobile notary who can come to your school and have the Registrar’s signature notarized. Once you have a signed and notarized school transcript, you can mail it to our office for apostille processing.

If you are heading to a country that is a member of the Hague Apostille Convention, your notarized school transcripts will receive an apostille. An apostille is always issued by the same state where your document was issued and notarized. Thus, if you attended a college in Georgia, and your transcripts were notarized by a Georgia notary public, then the apostille on your documents will be issued by the Georgia Secretary of State. 

If a country of your destination is not a signee to the Hague Apostille Convention, your school transcripts will require a different form of authentication, involving a certification through the United States Department of State first, and then legalization via the Embassy/Consulate. 

Georgia Apostille obtains apostilles on school transcripts, diplomas, and university degrees for use in over 115 countries-parties to the Hague Apostille Convention. If you are going to a country that is not a member of the Hague Apostille Treaty, Georgia Apostille offers the legalization process for US-issued academic records for use in 60 plus non-member countries of the Hague Apostille Convention. The most popular countries we get requests for an apostille on school transcripts are South Korea, Portugal, and Spain. Among the countries requiring the legalization process of US-issued school transcripts, the most popular are China, Taiwan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Georgia Apostille offers apostille or legalization services on school transcripts and diplomas issued by all the 50 States and the District of Columbia (Washington, DC). If you attended a school outside of the United States, Georgia Apostille will not be able to assist you. To receive an apostille on school transcripts issued in a foreign country you must contact the appropriate authorities in that country. 

Obtaining an apostille can be frustrating. Make your life easier and trust obtaining an apostille on your documents to trained professionals. Our experienced staff handles apostille and document legalization with ease and efficiency. By trusting Georgia Apostille with your document authentication you save time, money, and your mind. We apostille school transcripts, diplomas, vital records, background checks, corporate documents, and much more. Georgia Apostille is your right hand in apostille processing in the USA!

Questions?  Contact us during business hours 10 AM - 6 PM U.S. Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Saturday:  770-447-0360 or toll-free 866-416-0747

Toll free in the U.S. 866-416-0747 / 770-447-0360